
Of all the different facets of my life, my lifestyle is probably what has changed the most after hitting the forty-year-old mile mark. My hair, my skin, my body, my sense of fashion--all of those things have changed very drastically. I had my first daughter at twenty-four, so recovering after her birth wasn't too difficult. I was not that size two that I was before I had her, but I still felt pretty comfortable in my skin and was young enough to continue to be fashionable. However, I had my second daughter at thirty-eight, and that pregnancy wreaked a havoc on my body from which I sometimes feel I may never recover. Compound that with bridging into middle age, working a stressful job, and having a hectic home life, and I'm sure you can understand why I have pretty much given up on trying to be youthful and fashionable.

Believe it or not, a new family insurance policy is what has catapulted my and my husband's efforts to regain our health and improve our lifestyles. After jumping onto my company's family insurance plan, and being bound and determine to use it regularly to compensate for the cost of the premium, my husband and I decided to finally move the whole family's records into a local family doctor's care, schedule regular checkups, and get the whole gamut of wellness tests done on the both of us. Our test results came back, and we realized that, though we had a handful of issues to work on, we still weren't as old as we were feeling.

So, along with our attempt to build a healthier lifestyle, we are also trying to not to present to the public a partnership of two worn-out parents with little effort focused on their own well-being. We are taking better care of our skin, our hair, and our closets, as well as our bodies. My husband has blessed me with a subscription to Stitch Fix this year for Christmas, and we have both been doing our research on hair and skin care for those of us over forty. Though what works for me (or us) may not work for everyone, I'm still going to share my findings and suggestions, just in case what I have to say may help anyone else achieve the goals that they set for themselves.

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Skin Care and Make Up

My Forty-Year-Old Hair Findings

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