
I am no chef, nor am I a master at creating and recording recipes. I love to cook and bake, though, and I love to share what works for me with others. I am a busy working mom, so most of the daily dinners I create are quick. It has taken me many years to perfect some of the techniques I use and even longer to learn about and collect the tools that I find worth their cost. On this page you will be able to see and read about the stuff I do in my kitchen--my favorite room in our home.

I live in Louisiana, and, in Louisiana, food is no simple matter. It's important to get it right, or at least give it your best attempt, or you'll be called out. You may hear, "Where you from? I know you weren't raised here, using that kind of rice... or buying Chinese crawfish... or using salt and pepper." So, if you read my recipes, you'll see me use and mention locally-produced products. Do not fear. If you're an out-of-stater, I'll supply links or suggest substitutions when needed or requested. I know not everyone has easy access to cooked and peeled crawfish tails in their local grocery store.

So, as far as most of these recipes go, you'll see meals that are quick to make and easy to prepare. Most of the dinners I prepare at home for my family run between thirty minutes to an hour to cook. If it takes any longer than that, it has to be done on the weekend or in a slow cooker. I often times cook three or four different meals on Sunday and package it all up in the fridge so I don't have to cook during the week. Honestly, it just depends on what's going on for us. Though you may not approve, this chaotic family also eats fast food or take out from Chili's or our local Chinese restaurant. However, when I do get the change to make a meaningful dinner, it's usually one of these.

Crawfish, Sausage, and Tasso Alfredo
Breelyn's "Red Soup" (Veggie Beef Soup)

Enter the Instant Pot
Pork and Sausage Jambalaya (for the Instant Pot)
Instant Pot Perfectly "Boiled" Eggs

My Core Four Seasonings
Le Creuset
Wooden Utensils
Pure Komachi Knives

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