Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Enter the Instant Pot

In the constant plight to juggle things more efficiently and effectively, I uncovered this not-so-secret tool of busy, working parents: the Instant Pot. For those of you who don't know, the Instant Pot is a multi-function pressure/slow cooker and electric skillet all rolled into one magic kitchen machine. I first ran across it when searching Pinterest for random recipes. I had used a slow cooker for many years but never ventured into the world of pressure cooking. Pressure. Steam. Hot. Fast. That all seemed a little frightening to me, so I didn't really research the tool any further. However, the more I saw people raving about it on Pinterest and Facebook, the more curious and more willing I became to try it out. I scoured Amazon for the model I wanted and the accessories I felt I could use for my cooking purposes, and luckily, in true loving-husband-fashion, the pot and accessories were gifted to me for Christmas. I was very excited to try it out. Being that I am off of work (well, free from being required to GO TO WORK) for the next week and a half, I have made it my goal to try out each function before school starts again. Can't wait to test the results!

I will share my recipes as soon as I can get them typed up and tested!

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