Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stitch Fix Box #3 - February 2016

I know my last Stitch Fix box wasn't necessarily great--I returned three of the five items. This third box, however, was awesome! As I did with the first fix, I kept all five items sent to me. I was very specific with my feedback with the return of the other items on the second fix, and I made sure to fill up my request box with very specific descriptions of the things I had been hoping for. I also went into my shared Pinterest folder and made some updates. All of that communication paid off. Every item sent this time was exactly or very close to the exact item I requested. So here's what I got...

Brand: Market & Spruce
Style: Cordelia Striped Boat Neck Sweater
Cost: $58.00

I love this sweater. I usually wear a straight-lined fit top, and this sweater is more fitted at the bottom than I would prefer, but it's long enough to cover everything that needs covering. I asked for a black-and-white-striped sweater, and this is what I received. This sweater would look great with jeans or slacks, depending on how casual or professional I feel like being on that particular day. It's a very versatile piece, and I can't wait to throw it on over some leggings, accessorized with my tan scarf. I think it's going to look quite stylish!

Brand: Laila Jayde
Style: Valerie Heathered Raglan Top

This pullover is just about perfect. The fit is great. The color is great. I even like the back of the top (which is solid black--different from the front and sleeves--not something I'd have picked out for myself). It's soft and comfy. I like it even better than the striped sweater that I mentioned above. If this top wouldn't cost so much, I'd probably sleep in it because I feel like I'm wearing a pajama top when I have it on. It's flecked with black, so it's not a solid wash of beige. I'm fair complected, and beige isn't usually flattering, but the color of this top looks good on me. I'll probably be wearing this piece a lot.

Brand: Skies are Blue
Style: Abba Plaid Top
Cost: $64.00

When I first pulled this shirt from the box, I wasn't too fond of the lace inserts on the sleeves. I did ask for a plaid shirt, so I tried it on anyway. Both my husband and sixteen-year-old daughter agreed (and they very rarely agree on anything) that the shirt looked great on me. So for that reason and to receive the discount for keeping all five pieces, I decided to hang on to it. I can layer it over a white tee with some jeans. I like the rose-colored accents. That, along with the lace, adds some femininity to a usually masculine article of clothing.

Brand: Just Black
Style: Cami Crop Jean
Cost: $78.00

The pair of jeans that were sent to me in the last fix were nothing at all close to what I wanted. My daughter went as far as to call them "mom jeans". These, however, are right on target. They are a much lighter, skinnier-legged, and shorter than the last pair. They're a little lower-waisted than I would prefer, but it's not so bad that I wouldn't wear them. I love the way they fit in the thigh and seat. I'm short, so the fact that they're meant to be "crop" jeans helps me. They're the perfect length for me to wear them as normal, ankle-length jeans. I like the wash, too. I already have several pairs of darker jeans, so I requested a lighter wash, and that's what I was sent. Love these. Maybe I'll put them on with that plaid shirt and my Chucks for a jeans day at work. I'll be comfortable and cute at the same time--two very rare qualities of fashion for women my age. These are NOT "mom jeans". Hehe.

Brand: Yosi Samra
Style: Samara Metallic Flats
Cost: $72.00

In my request for this shipment, I asked for a pair of leopard print ballet flats. I've had them on my wish list for a long time. These aren't those. However, I do love these. In her note, my stylist Hannah, said that she searched the warehouse for the print I wanted but couldn't find any. So she sent these instead because they are also currently "hot" right now. I think I like them even more than I would a leopard print pair. They are a little flashy but still neutral, so I can wear them with just about anything to which I would want to add some pizzazz. I had a taupe-colored pair of Tieks saved on my shared Pinterest board, and these are very close the the same style I saved there (and these cost much less). I did an Amazon search for these shoes, and I found pairs that ranged from $71.00 to $84.00, so what we've paid for them is more than fair since I never had to set foot in a store to get them. This is, hands down, my favorite item in this shipment.

So, all in all, to keep all five items was priced at $336.00. The 25% discount for keeping all of it subtracted $84.00 from the total, so it ultimately cost $232.00. That averages to about $46.00 per item. That's not too bad. Lot's of people complain about how much Stitch Fix marks up the pieces in their shipments, but I really do enjoy getting these boxes each month and getting nice clothes without having to shop for them. I think the extra cost truly is worth the hassle-free experience. I still recommend the process and give Stitch Fix two thumbs up!

To try Stitch Fix for yourself, click here.

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