Saturday, December 19, 2015

My Stitch Fix Boxes

For Christmas this year, my wonderful husband gave me the Best. Gift. Ever... a subscription to Stitch Fix on his credit card! This may sound shallow to some, but I cried when he told me what he had done and instructed me to go online to complete my style profile. He was well-aware of the fact that I now dedicate my energy and money on my two daughters instead of myself. When it comes to making purchases for myself, I usually just provide myself with the most affordable bare necessities and dedicate what money I have to spend on clothes on my teenager and toddler. I'm sure most mothers are like me in that sense. So, as a year-long gift that keeps on giving, he purchased for me a subscription to a personal stylist and monthly deliveries of high-quality fashion that I would have never bought for myself. Though I have only experienced one shipment so far, I can say that I am completely pleased with this process of buying clothes! I love not having to go to a store and be disappointed with everything I slide my body into. I love being able to try on clothes in the privacy of my own home and scrutinize each item in my own mirror. Not to mention, having five items shipped forces me to try on everything in front of me--even some things I would have passed up in the store, thinking I would never wear anything like that. And when forced to try on everything in my first box, I found that the thing I would have been least likely to pick up off a rack in a store was the thing I loved most of all the pieces picked for me! Honestly, I love Stitch Fix, and I recommend subscribing to it, especially if you're a busy mom with little time or love for shopping for yourself.

Some Key Points about Stitch Fix:
1. You get to select and adjust your style/size preferences whenever you want through the website and app.
2. You get to select your price range and shipment preferences (how and when you'd like to receive a fix).
3. You can turn off your shipments and skip shipments if you want.
4. You have the opportunity to comment on and review each item whether you love or hate it.
5. You can make requests prior to a shipment through the app or website.
6. You can easily send back the items you don't want in the included prepaid envelope.
7. You get a style card for each piece with two suggestions on how to wear each item.
8. You earn a $25.00 credit every time someone subscribes under your referral link.

My First Box - December 2015
Box #2 - January 2016
Box #3 - February 2016


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